Monday, June 28, 2010

Recycling through the numbers....

Just writing to say that I am very proud of my county!! Our convenience center now accepts plastics recylcing of any number 1-7!! We have been a #1 and #2 recylcler for a while now, but this last week when I dropped my stuff off the numbers have changed.

I am very happy that we have taken this step forward. Hope other counties start to do the same!


  1. This is great! I think Knox county does this too - for a while I thought I was going to start collecting my 3-7 and taking them to Knox county, but I could never remember to bring them with me. (Plus, technically, it's probably illegal.) I hope that some day Carter County or the City of Elizabethton will start a recycling program; right now I'm sneaking my recyclables into Johnson City (which, again, may be illegal).

  2. Oh, the crabby hiker is Deb, btw. You should go look at my Crabby Hiker blog . . . :-)

  3. I really must start to recycle. How do you do it?
