Sunday, March 27, 2011

Poke the Box

This week I read a very inspirational book called "Poke the Box" by Seth Godin. It is a short but powerful that is simply meant to inspire. And I think it succeeded. It is trying to get you, the reader, to poke the box...that is, to push at the status quo, to try something without fearing that you will fail. Because succeed or fail, you will get nowhere if you don't try. You must DO! 

No summary of the book can do it justice , but the book is short, so just go read it! 
And also check out the Domino Project website.

And then I dare you to listen to these songs and NOT be inspired to GO and DO! 

Oh yea, and don't give in to Lizard fear!!


  1. The book sounds really interesting. I like the concept.

    I listened/watched the music videos. I wonder about the one by Muse. What did that video mean. Was it all tongue in cheek or what?

  2. By the way, have you ever perused Lauren's aunt's blog?

  3. Just want you to know I'm reading too. I'll look for this book. Your timing is very good - I'm attempting to reduce meat again (I won't use the "Vegetarian" word, because it's a lot of pressure right now), so your timing is killer!

    Your #2 fan,

  4. OK, so I got my pictures to show up. Yay!

    As to the Muse song...Well, I have listened to it SO many times and I really just put up the video so people could hear the song. but as to the meaning of the video, I think it is a bit tongue in cheek, but that what they are talking about is that people are just going about their everyday lives, but really a bomb is about to explode. Or, you think you are free but really you are being controlled by the "fat cats" and we must rise up against that. But it's snarky, sarcastic...laughing and serious at the same time...I think...The evil teddy bears sort of make me think snarky.

    He says "The paranoia is in bloom, the PR
    The transmissions will resume
    They'll try to push drugs
    Keep us all dumbed down and hope that
    We will never see the truth around...They will not force us
    They will stop degrading us
    They will not control us
    We will be victorious"
    There is definitely truth about our society there...

    No matter what you are wanting to "Rise up" against, this song can get you geared up to do it. Mostly I use it to rise up against the next lap of my run. It is a good running song.
