Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Castille soap...ever used it?

So I am trying lots of new things so far this year, and one I have tried is Castille soap. It is billed as a natural soap with tons of uses and that is not harmful to the environment. Apparently you can bathe in a pristine stream using it and not pollute the area...because it is made of olive oil and other oils.

So does it work? That is a question. Well, so far I have used it for a few things. I used it as a body wash. That worked fine. The kind I got had a nice peppermint smell. Very refreshing. It did leave my skin a little dry, but with a touch of lotion it was fine.
I then used it as a shampoo. Ew. No go. my hair became wiry and thick and weird. BUT I did try another natural method that worked better...Baking soda. Straight on the hair while I was in the shower. I rubbed it in and then conditioned. Seemed OK. My hair feels clean and light.

This article raves about Castille soap, but I am a bit stumped by it. That is, I am not sure how to use it in the laundry or dishwasher, or as a cleaner...but I am trying. I put a bit of it with water and vinegar to make a spray cleaner. Worked OK, I guess, but one can't seem germs dying, so I hope it is working!!

Ever used this soap? I'd love to know what you think...

1 comment:

  1. i use this on my toddler and myself. i also wash his hair with it but it doesn't work on mine, leaves it feeling dry and gross. i hear you can even brush your teeth with it!!
