Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This week in verdant living...

So I just ate a really good meal. I cooked it last night, then took leftovers for lunch, and was still craving it by the time I got home. And I cooked it myself, amazingly!

I made a dish called Moujadra, which is a Lebanese dish. I found it on i was a kaleidoscope, a great blogspot blog I recently found. There is a lot of good recommendations for food on this blog, so check it out.

With it I also made Squash and Onions, a recipe found in The Kind Diet, by Alicia Silverstone. It was so easy. I sauteed a couple onions in olive oil, cut up a butternut squash and threw that in with some oregano after a few minutes. After sauteing both for a couple minutes I added about 1/2 cup of water and covered it. Then I let is steam for about 20 minutes. The squash was soft and the onions gave it great flavor. MMMM.

So here is what my friend Rebekah made for dinner tonight. Looks good, huh? It is called Gingered Green Beans with Hidjiki. It is also a Kind Diet recipe. This photo is used without permission, so I hope she does not mind!

Another vegetarian exploration of the week was out annual trip to Siam cafe for Valentines dinner. It is where we ate the night of our first date as well as the Valentines day 9 years ago when we got engaged. So it is a tradition. But this is my first time going in with the mindset of eating vegetarian. But it was great because I could have any dish I wanted and they would substitute the meat with veggies and tofu. So I had my normal favorite, red curry, and it was delish!!

1 comment:

  1. i am slow, just realized you had other blogs! mmm moujadra! so yummy!
